The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Pete is back

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Last February, a pelican turned up at our boat with bad frost bite on both feet. He was not in good shape at all, so we fed him and he got quite tame. So much so that I was able to cut the dead tissue of his feet bit by bit. He lost all of his toes but made it. He left us in the beginning of May to fend for himself. On Christmas day I heard a thump on the top deck and thought something had fallen over up there, so went up and checked it out. It was clumsy Pete he behaved like he had never left. Good for him that we have a Great blue herron with a broken leg that we look after, so we had fish in the freezer. I guess Pete is here for another winter to join out crew. So now we have Nelson the great egrit, Big bird, the great blue herron and Pete. This is going to be an expensive winter getting fish for that lot. :D

Good to see someone helping the bird life  :thumbup:   looks like you have quite a varied crew .
 Cheers Mick 👍

Yeppers, 4 cats 3 birds and a wife ..... all living in semi harmony.  :loco:

Good deal Scube .....I have a soft heart for all of creation with a caveat other than a couple of people I am forced to know..  any-who where are you moor'ed?


Lovely story - here's to Pete - Happy new Year


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