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Height Gauge Arm

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I made a depth arm for my 2 beam height gauge (note that I spelled gauge correctly :)):

There is also a video:

Now my height gauge is a lot more useful! The pin is threaded (4-48) for standard indicator ends. It was a fun project. For personal therapeutic value I decided to use the shaper. I would set it and try to walk away and do something else but I just found myself watching it go back and forth curling a nice chip each stroke. What do they say, simple things for simple minds or something like that.  I turned the pin between centres, and I was quite pleased with how tightly the import lathe I had held tolerance. 

Drawings on are my blog:

Here is the link to the Youtube page:

Very nice project! Well sorted.


I am interested that you make a point of spelling gage(sic) correctly but use strange dimenshuns for the threads (4x48) I have never understood that. Vive la difference!

hi and a job well dune

looks good, :thumbup: made you happy, :thumbup: Jobs a good un!



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