The Shop > Tools

I needed a BIG spanner !

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Yes I needed a BIG spanner - a 55 mm AF spanner  :bugeye:

Why - well my CNC machine takes CAT40 - DIN 69871 tooling, and the TG100 collet holder that needed tightening takes 55 mm A/F spanner.

Now at the back of my bench lives Grandfathers old adjustable - yes it opens far enough, but a bit crude. Tucked away in my stash of metric spanners is a genuine 55 mm open ended spanner for tightening bolts on the Forth Bridge (yes I know it's riveted  :clap:) -it's a whopping great ungainly thing and far longer and more massive than I need  :bang:

So what to do  :scratch:

Well what's the point in having a workshop if you don't make it work for you - MAKE a spanner  :lol:

Some of you may have noticed that recently I've been playing upgrading my CNC Plasma Table - so cut one !

A quick Autocad drawing, save it as a .DXF, import it to SheetCAM - transfer the result to MACH3 and you should be good to go:

Here's the drawing

Now I happened to have some 3 mm Zinctec mild steel sheet on the table at the time - I'd intended to cut it from 6 mm but that would probably have been overkill as after all it's only closing a collet.

Result was absolutely splendid, though I say it myself  :clap:

The total job took under 10 minutes, from deciding to do it, to taking the final result off the rails of the plasma table, and the best part of that was working out how to draw a hexagonal in Autocad !

... very satisfying

(oh did I say - I LOVE my CNC Plasma Table !!!)

Nice job Andrew.. well done on your build, your shop time effort has resulted your capabilities 3 fold with this machine and its ability to quickly manufacture most things quickly.


John Rudd:
One word sums it up....

Jealous!....  :bow:


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