The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Lost in translation...


I'm looking for some of that plastic flexi-tubing stuff you use on machines to supply flood coolant to an area (I want to get the coolant system up and running on my lathe, it has a suitable feed pipe, but no flexi end.

Amazon have this rather interesting link:

Apparently, it's made of stainless steel (despite clearly being plastic), comes in a deluxe leather box (wow), contains a number of foot-care items (nail scissors, cuticle cutters etc.) and is "rapidly shipped from our Californias warehouse". Intrigued, I also discover that apparently it needs 7 (count 'em - seven) lithium ion batteries!

At just £2.48 with free delivery to the UK, I'm almost tempted to buy it just to see what the hell I'll get! It's got to be worth it for the leather box!!  :lol:

Does Universal color also sell weed?   :lol:


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