Author Topic: DIY tablet computer, maybe.  (Read 25683 times)

Offline S. Heslop

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #100 on: September 09, 2018, 03:38:04 AM »
I'm glad they settled on square keys in the end.

I wasn't around for the heyday of the luggable but I do like how indestructible they look, and assume were. I still think about that guy I knew who got one of the first iPads when they came out. So much went into making them as slim and light as possible, it was their big selling point, and he immediately shoved it inside this big inch and a half thick titanium brick. And those rubber phone condoms are quite popular. It makes me wonder why they don't just manufacture the devices to be rugged to begin with.

The other thing I think about alot is that it's rare now to see someone operating a laptop or even a tablet away from a wall socket - and usually with a surface to rest it on. Plus I feel once you're past the threshhold of a pocket sized device it becomes something you'd be lugging around in a satchel anyways. And with modern SSDs boot times are pretty fast!

Maybe 2019 will be the Year of the Luggable.

Offline Pete W.

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #101 on: September 09, 2018, 09:57:32 AM »
I don't have a smart phone but, while walking in the street, I meet lots of people who do.

Those smart phones are so very smart and their users so oblivious to anything else, I don't understand why the phones don't incorporate lamp-post detectors!

 :hammer:   :bang:   :wack:   :hammer:   :bang:   :wack:  :hammer:   :bang:   :wack:    :hammer:   :bang:   :wack:   :hammer:   :bang:   :wack: 
Best regards,

Pete W.

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, you haven't seen the latest design change-note!

Offline S. Heslop

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2018, 05:25:22 AM »
Damn the tablet's giving me more trouble. Sometimes the drivers just conk out and can't be restarted except by restarting the PC. Reading about the problem, well firstly none of the suggested solutions i've come accross have worked but I think my whole setup is a somewhat unique case. But more than anything is the suggestion that it's a common problem and Wacom's drivers are terrible.

That's actually interesting to hear. I'd heard (and assumed) that the big advantage of Wacom's stuff was better driver support. But it seems that's just a load of ballyhoo. The issues I had with the Chinese drivers were at least very consistent and predictable in that they'd only conk out when I opened certain programs. Kinda funny though that after all of that it's Wacom's drivers that fail me.

Been looking at PC parts too. It's all stuff I can't afford right now but man do they come up with some dorky names and designs for things.  They're calling the stock heatsink and fan that comes with some of AMDs chips the WRATH SPIRE COOLER. I can't get over that.

Wrath Spire.

Offline S. Heslop

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #103 on: September 12, 2018, 05:04:08 AM »
Hope nobody minds these inane updates on computer problems.

I've been having a problem where the computer begins to heavily lag, with choppy mouse movement, while the hard disk goes wild. So I spent all night running a disk check since I was suspecting the new HDD. But that didn't report any bad sectors or anything. So now i'm just going to putter on and see if any particular programs start using alot of resources in the resource monitor when things get choppy again. Running a disk defragment now but I doubt that'd be the issue. Could still be driver issues but everything I can think of is up to date. After that my last guess is that maybe the PSU is finally over it's limit with the addition of a new hard disk. I'll try disconnecting some of the older ones next time I reboot - they're mostly just used to store video clips.

Bit of a frustrating issue since i'm falling behind on a bunch of things.

Offline awemawson

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #104 on: September 12, 2018, 05:12:30 AM »
That is my major complaint about Windows, it just 'does it's own thing' when it wants and finding out what actually is happening at a particular moment in time is virtually impossible.
Andrew Mawson
East Sussex

Offline S. Heslop

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #105 on: September 12, 2018, 06:12:07 AM »
When searching for solutions I found out that Windows had a bunch more diagnostic tools than I knew existed. I only found resource monitor by chance a few years ago while bumbling about the task manager. But that didn't help for that problem I was having then. Dcom Launch or something was responsible for alot of hard disk activity in bursts. Looking that up there were some command line things you could do to try figure out what programs were actually going through that but... I never did solve that problem. It's part of why I wanted to reformat though. But yeah there's alot of useful features but they're really all over the place.

Still it's a step up from trying to figure problems out on a phone's OS. Those things are really keen on 'just working'.

Offline S. Heslop

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Re: DIY tablet computer, maybe.
« Reply #106 on: September 12, 2018, 06:24:59 AM »
Y'know it seems real stable with all my SOCIAL MEDIA programs closed. I like to talk to a few people online, but they've all got their preferred program. I might try running one at a time to see if maybe that's causing the issue. I did have trouble with Telegram killing my old graphics tablet's drivers whenever I made the window active, which seemed odd for an IM client.