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rounding off pitted 2" bearings

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So I happened across two 2" diameter ball bearings that came from an old closed down Gold mine and thought initially that I would try and make some blades out of them however after much deliberation I decided that I would buff them up and make them like new and make a presentation case for them, so I tried a flap disc and all manor of elbow grease and even considered trying to make some sort of vibrating abrasive trommel with a bucket or something but I dont know if there is an easier way to do it. so any thoughts would be appreciated.

here they are and as you can see I have tried to buff one up but not very successfully.

Are you sure that they were originally actually bearings, and not maybe perhaps from a 'ball mill' used to reduce the ore to a smaller size for further processing ?

Yes that is probably what they are Mr Awemawson not bearings, although i am not sure what grade metal it is.
if it is round and metal to me its always a bolly :D

I have used vinegar for rust removal.

Normal groseery store pickling vinegar (10% Acetic acid) will do very well, needs hour or two in 60C or overnight on 20C or three days in 5C temperatures (It's autumn here and I dunk them outside, or I get hungry).

When you pick them up from the windegar they liike like nothing has happened...but they feel really dirty and slimey, nylon brush will sort that out. You may want to wear whatever kichen/exam gloves. You need to wash neutralize the acid right after, normal soap and wrma water will do.

If you like them grey steel matte coloring, a half an hour into warm phosphorous accid (Tea kettle limescale remover) will do that, and wash/neuralize with mild soap, I use hot water, dry right after and oil. pretty nice.

If you need shine.....then you need to know material.

For historic show piece I prefer rusty. Maybe you have more of them and treat them differenty and then put all your balls into display :lol:

Would give someone somthening to wonder. And you could explain that they all same just treated differently. Old rust, new rust, vinegar pickled, phosphated, lisnished, tumbler finished....


Pekka, thank you for replying and giving such great info, I have some stuff to think about now, I will watch the video when I get home from work and on a network, I did wonder about leaving them pitted and rusty..I like shiney
Thanks again Pekka  :thumbup:


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