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Swarf Collector for Lathe Ways


Jim Dobson:
I updated the swarf collector to the MKII version today on my Sieg C6 (Sieg C6, Grizzly G0516, Hare & Forbes AL-60, Axminster Metal Lathe). Some guys like these and some guys don't, after using one for years I wouldn't be without one now. Perfect for keeping all the swarf off your lathe ways and off you and your feet whist machining wearing thongs!

I'm going to take a wild guess that in Australia, "Thongs" aren't the same things as they are in the UK.... either that, or I'm going to need to go and bleach my eyes now.  :lol:

Jim Dobson:
LOL Ade's hold off on the bleach :)

But get the Occupational Health & Safety Squad :)

Beach footwear, those cheap rubber things. I think some countries call them flip flops.

I use 2mm nylon to stop  the coolant running off the end of the lathe between the vees , and it flexes when the chuck jaws hit them .

I keep promising to make one of these every time I crap myself when I get the flash over from fine (usually brass) swarf getting into the motor and on the com, and then I swiftly forget again until the next flash  :doh: your tray looks the part :thumbup:


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