Ok. The bearings came in today. So, I started to assemble the Kinematic bed mount for the printer and have encountered another issue.
IF I wanted to build it based solely on the B2V conversion based above I would be OK. However, I want to use the Kinematic bed mounts and WobbleX for the Z screws. Since the BLV MGN calls for MGN12 rails on all axes, the B2V conversion is designed for MGN12s. I have since discovered that the stock Voron Trident uses MGN9s on the Y and Z axes. I found this out when I went to mount the 9mm belt (instead of the 6mm belt) for the gantry. The aluminum parts are designed to use the MGN9. SOOO I ordered 2 MGN9s for the Y axis.
Fast forward to setting up the bed and Z axis. Again, stock Voron Trident uses MGN9s while the conversion uses MGN12s. I have mods that require the MGN9s. Now I have to order 3 more 500mm MGN9 rails. They wont be here until after Christmas
FYI, this is the
WobbleX mod:
It is designed to help reduce "Z Banding" which is a strange artifact from using Acme screws on the Z axis. Printers that use belts for the Z, usually dont see it as bad.
I got some other things done. I finished up the skirt; glued, added heat screw inserts and generally got them ready. I also got the bed frame done and the rest of the parts mounted to the bed. Which, I am going to take apart and rebuild anyway!
On to more waiting...